NLP Practitioner Certification Level 4 Diploma
Fully accredited NLP Practitioner + additional modules in Life Coaching
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Certifying professionals since 2005 Enrolling Now
Are you contemplating a new life & career?
Do you have a deep level passion to help others?
If yes you're in the right place....
Call 01462 4311112 or WhatsApp 07957 192406 or email us here
For students looking for
- Contemplating a new career. Full or part time alongside your existing job. Our range of professional courses will enable you to buy insurance and set up your dream coaching business immediately you graduate. Most of our students study alongside their existing job and set up part time to begin with. We can help you with this. See last years grads in businesses today LEARN MORE
- This course certifies you to LEVEL 4 DIPLOMA in NLP and professional practitioner certification in NLP plus practitioner level modules life coaching and lifestyle medicine . This multi modality training is known as CAM TRANSFORMATIONAL COACHING LEARN MORE
- The complete business development package that includes full external accreditation, course and all associated certification, post course support via our CAM CLUB LEARN MORE
- Industry leading Accreditation. In our opinion this is more important than everything else. This is why since our launch in 2005 we have hand picked the 10 best accrediting membership body’s in the industry. Our courses are often referred to as the most accredited of their kind. LEARN MORE
- Establish a training niche We also can assist and provide courses to enable our coaches to establish their own training niche be that NLP, business and corporate coaching to working with children and schools. We can help you.
- Transform your own life - Gain the skills knowledge and confidence to learn how to transform lives starting with your own..
- Bronze, silver, gold learning options- You can complete this course in your own time at your own pace fitting your study around your life. You can choose to study 100% online, you can opt for full tutor support and even include in person attendance if you choose LEARN MORE (NOT INCLUDED IN DISCOUNTED PROMOTIONS)
- Join CAM the worlds foremost wellbeing industry LEARN MORE
- Course discounts & payment plans We offer various payments options & course discounts to NHS staff & teachers that include free payment plans
- Gain access to leading coaches - Work direct and 121 with some of the worlds greatest multi award coaches, and benefit first hand from years of in practice global success LEARN MORE
“Qualifying as a certified CAM Coach through your academy has been one of the most enriching professional experiences of my life. Loved every second of it”
Sunnil Naphray Life Coach
We developed our CAM Transformational Coaching methodology for those coaching professionals who want to go far deeper with their clients than conventional coaching allows. CAM Transformational coaching™ is the only coaching methodology in the world that takes a truly integrative approach to life coach training by combining LIFE, HEALTH & MIND coach training all within the same course. Qualifying as a Transformational coach arms our delegates with the skills knowledge and confidence to facilitate fast, meaningful and lasting change with their clients, sometimes in just a single session
Our integrated approach combines a powerful range of rapid behavioural change solutions that include cutting edge insights from health and personal development, human potential development and behaviour change psychology.
Get started now!
5 Star Google Reviews See Here
Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to the course
Mark Shields (AKA The CAM COACH) a former multi award winning Barclays executive set up the Life Practice UK in 2005. The Life Practice specialised in performance improvement coaching and training for individuals and businesses and had coaching clinics all over the UK.
Today delegates from all corners of the world choose the Life Practice Academy as their online learning provider to learn our transformational coaching methodology and proven CAM Coach success in business strategies.
2012 saw the launch of the best selling "Business Bible" book the CAM Coach written by Mark Shields and world champion athlete Simon Martin.The CAM Coach book has reached 15,000 students in over 30 countries and is today often given the accolade as being amongst the worlds leading resources for coaches looking to set up and sustain success in private practice. In 2020 the second edition of CAM Coach book was published to a worldwide audience.
Mark has spent 20 years treating a client list that includes World Champion Sportsman, CEOs, Government Advisors, Politicians, West End Stars and Olympic athletes. His engaging and informative teaching style is peppered with anecdotes from an unparalleled career in which he has helped thousands of people to achieve profound change in their lives.
In 2018 Mark was invited to join coaching legends such as Dan Lok, Robin Sharma T. Harv Eker Matt Bernstein and John Lee and showcase his work as a member of the Wealth Dragons team.
In 2020 The ACCPH welcomed Mark as a FELLOW of their organisation the Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists
Course Curriculum
PreviewWelcome from the Course Director (3:22)
StartTutor Support Please Read
StartMeet your Tutor (1:11)
StartMulti Certification Training Multi Modality Learning
PreviewAbout the NLP Coaching Company and the Founder, Mark Shields (1:54)
StartCourse learning guide
StartFrom Banking Head to NLP Life Coach - My Story
PreviewOverview of Course Assessments
PreviewCourse Accreditation and Certification
StartNational Occupational Standards
StartCourse Core Competencies
PreviewCore Competency Assessments
PreviewCourse Learning Outcomes
StartCertified CAM Coaching Transformational Coaching Specialist
StartJoin our private FACEBOOK Group - The CAM Coach Club
StartNLP Manual - Please read first
StartRecommended Reading
StartStudy Tips (66:27)
StartTalking Therapies Dissertation
StartDownloadable Workbook and Handouts
StartCourse Feedback and Assessment Forms
PreviewWelcome to Part 1 (3:13)
PreviewAn Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming
PreviewHow NLP can help you
PreviewThe History of NLP
StartWhat does NLP stand for?
StartThe key principles of NLP
StartThe importance of rapport
StartSensory Acuity - The Representational Systems
StartThe Pizza Walk
StartBehavioural Flexibility
StartWell formed outcomes
StartThe Concept of Modelling
StartThe Cognitive Thinking Cycle - Understanding the Conscious and Unconscious Mind (26:53)
StartThe Meta Model - Mind Filtering
StartThe Map is not the Territory - The Communication Model
StartPresuppositions of NLP - Empowering Beliefs (8:02)
StartUnderstanding Body Language
StartEye Accessing Cues (22:53)
StartPart 1 Assessment
PreviewIntroduction to Part 2 (1:42)
StartA Holistic Approach
StartThe Power States (4:54)
StartTaking Action to change YOUR life (5:50)
StartUnderstanding Stress
StartThe Change Cycle
StartOutcomes and Goals and Actions
StartThe Potential Model
StartAn Example of setting goals
StartSWOT Analysis (5:31)
StartHuman Givens / CASPA (34:19)
StartCourse Exercise How to Build Better Personal Relationships
StartCourse Exercise - How To Build Better Relationships at Work
StartPart 2 Assessment
PreviewIntroduction to Part 3 (1:05)
StartClinical Practice: A Guide to a Client Consultation (4:46)
StartStrategies of NLP Coaching
StartStrategy 1 - Anchoring (33:35)
StartStrategy 2: Circle of Confidence (50:35)
StartThe anatomy of a Life Coaching Case Study
StartLife Coaching Case Study Exercises to be completed
StartCase Study B
StartCase Study C
StartNLP Practitioner Techniques
StartNLP SKILL SET 1 - The Sub-Modality Shift (18:54)
StartNLP SKILL SET 2 - Chillseeker Breathing (17:28)
StartNLP SKILL SET 3 - Fast Phobia Cure (45:19)
StartNLP SKILL SET 4 - Swish Technique (49:30)
StartNLP SKILL SET 5 - Parts Integration (35:00)
StartNLP SKILL SET 6 - Six Step Reframe (39:09)
StartNLP Techniques Case Study exercise
StartCase Study Exercise - Practice Practice Practice
StartIntroduction (15:18)
StartCommon Health Conditions
StartUnderstanding Medication
StartThe Importance of Blood Sugar Balance
StartThe Stress Model
StartNutritional Supplements
StartThe role of Diet and Exercise
StartThe Importance of Sleep
StartFood and Mood Diaries
StartThe Breakthrough Session - Lecture
StartThe Breakthrough Session - Final Course Exercise
StartClient Breakthrough Session Model Answer
StartLive recorded Breakthrough session (100:12)
StartGaining Membership to a Professional Body
StartClinical Supervision
StartCode of Conduct
StartThe Importance of CPD
PreviewOverview of NLP Training levels
StartThe Next Steps. Developing Your Dream Coaching Business
StartCore Competency Skill Assessment (1:22)
StartA final word from your Trainer (1:29)