Welcome to the CAM CLUB
Support For Life
The CAM CLUB offers students
- Life time access to resource over all devices.
- Published articles explaining pros, cons and how and where CAM fits in the world of medicine today.
- Available to international students worldwide
- Free coaching resource
- CAM COACH publications library
- Published articles
- Radio interviews
- Skill set videos
- Examples of student work
- Connection with past students who have gone on and used their skills professionally
- Best Practice Top Tips
- Recommended reading lists
- Practitioner proficiencies articles sharing top business set up advice
- Free webinars
- Free practice groups
- Discounted mentoring
- Academy jobs and vacancies
and much much more.........
We are adding coaching resource to the CAM CLUB all the time including a register for students to advertise their services free as a CAM Practitioner
Life Practice Radio - See the entire expert in the hot seat BBC series
Watch Richard Stent Overcome His Fear Of Flying - Live On TV
Coaching Published Articles
Magazine Publications. Here is a collection of articles that have been published in Woman's Own, the CAM Magazine, True Health Magazine, TILT Magazine, Holistic Therapist Magazine & Jersey Life

CAM Published articles. The Pros and Cons of CAM Practitioners. Helping You Make The Right Choices.
Selecting a CAM Practitioner - About IBS
www.aboutibs.org/complimentary-or-alternative-treatments/complementary-and...Many people use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in pursuit of health and well-being. Selecting a health care practitioner is an important decision and can be essential to ensuring that you are receiving the best possible care. -
Six reasons CAM practitioners should not be licensed ...
sciencebasedmedicine.org/six-reasons-cam-practitioners-should-not-be-licensedStates license “complementary and alternative” (CAM) practitioners (chiropractors, naturopaths, acupuncturists/TCM practitioners and homeopaths) via the magic of “legislative alchemy.” Ironically, licensing statutes are enacted based on the states’ constitutional power to protect the -
Many CAMs have voluntary registers (some of which are accredited by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care, or the PSA) or professional associations that practitioners can join if they choose.
Regulation of Complementary and Alternative Medicine practitioners . With its purpose of dissemination of research findings, and to ensure a continuing link between CAM and conventional medicine, the RCCM works with a range of professional bodies representing CAM practitioners in the UK.
We have been supplying practitioners since 1990 and over these years we have amassed a wide core of information on holistic healthcare and natural remedies.
In the case of many CAMs, there are professional associations or voluntary registers that practitioners can choose to join. Typically, practitioners can only join these associations or registers if they hold certain qualifications, and agree to adhere to certain standards of practice.
- We have been supplying CAM practitioners since 1990 and over these years we have amassed a wide core of information on holistic healthcare and natural remedies.
Complementary and Alternative Medicine. CAM information ...
patient.info/doctor/complementary-and-alternative-medicineComplementary and alternative medicine (CAM) includes a group of diverse medical and healthcare systems, practices and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine. Complementary medicine is generally regarded as additional treatment that is used alongside conventional medicine, whereas alternative medicine is regarded as a treatment used in place of conventional ... -
Parents of children with Down syndrome have sought CAM Therapies to enhance cognition in the past. Now more than ever parents are turning to practitioners to bring about a global improvement of symptoms. The more we understand the underlying causes, the easier it becomes to improve the physiology to the point where symptoms associated with Down ...
CAM Practitioners in Singapore. Researchers from the School of Biomedical Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, Australia have looked at the profile and health attitudes of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Practitioners in Singapore.
CAM practitioners in the Australian health workforce: an ...
epubs.scu.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2414&context=hahs_pubsCAM practitioners are a valuable but underutilized resource in Australian health care despite continuing public support for CAM as demonstrated by increased use of both CAM products and growth in the number of consultations with CAM practitioners. -
CAM practitioners and “regular” doctors: is integration ...
www.mja.com.au/journal/2004/180/12/cam-practitioners-and-regular-doctors...In an ideal world, medical practitioners would be well versed in a broad range of modalities and would work hand-in-hand with a range of specialists and allied health practitioners, including practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). -
Child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) - NHS
www.nhs.uk/using-the-nhs/nhs-services/mental-health-services/child-and...CAMHS is used as a term for all services that work with children and young people who have difficulties with their emotional or behavioural wellbeing. Local areas have a number of different support services available.
Video Library
Life Practice Academy First Video
Mark Shields Professor Paul Dolan's Happiness by Design at Work programmes Introduction
Welcome to the Life Practice Clinics
Stress Management techniques
Mark Shields explains the three stages of stress and how to combat them with some simple tips.
NLP Power States to help Depression
Mark Shields talks about the ID, Ego & Super Ego to explain how to help clients with depression.
The Integrated NLP, Hypnotherapy & Coaching Diploma Course
Delegate talks about our Diploma course
Alison Darby explains how she found the NLP, Hypnotherapy and Coaching Practitioner Diploma.