Organisational Design

The success of HPOs are due to their ability to have structures in place that allow them to quickly adjust to the environment that they operate within. HPOs have the ability to reconfigure themselves to meet the demands of the marketplace and avoid its threats.

It is common for an HPO to have a max of 4 layers of management from MD to ground level staff.

This enables incredible communication flexibility and the ability to manage and implement change quickly and effectively.

The HPO can therefore react quickly to challenges and market and economic changes. It means they can implement new ideas, strategies and plans without having to fight through unnecessary bureaucracy and unrealistic cascades down through 15 layers of management.


  1. Ground level staff
  2. Team Leader - first line manager
  3. Regional Director - second line manager
  4. Managing director

HPOs constantly survey and monitor the environment to understand the context of their business, identify trends, and seek out any competitors

A HPO's growth is facilitated by creating partnerships and creating networks with other organisations after careful examination of the value added by entering into these relationships.

They have high external orientation and strive to meet customer demands. They meet and exceed customer demands by fostering close relationships with customers, understanding their customers' values, and being responsive to their customers' needs.

HPOs maintain relationships with their stakeholders by creating mutual relationships.

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