HPOs create strong vision, value, and mission statements which guide their organisations and align them with the outside environment. Everyone that works for the HPO buys into the business philosophy with mission statements found on the wall in every corridor, office and public area of the HPO for the world to see. Employees carry cards stating the companies values and similarly company values can be found on company stationary, letter heads and all company correspondence. This is done to drive a consistent message to clients, staff, competitors and key stakeholders.

The mission, vision, and values of the organisation act as foundations on which the organisation is built. They inform employees what is rewarded and also what is not. Minimum standards of sales and service levels of activity are set, agreed and managed.

HPOs implement vision statements that are specific, strategic, and carefully thought through.

Leaders propagate the vision at all levels by ensuring that activities are aligned with vision and strategy of the organisation.

HPOs also set challenging , but measurable and achievable outcome focused goals for their organisation in order to guide their vision.

The vision and strategy of the organisation is made clear to employees at all levels. A common understanding of the organizations strategy and direction creates a strategic mind-set among employees that helps the organisation achieve its goals.

The Business Philosophy

business philosophy is a set of beliefs and principles that a company strives toward. This is sometimes referred to as a mission statement or company vision. It's essentially the company's operational blueprint. The business philosophy explains the company's overall goals and its purpose.

Business Vision

The vision statement, outlines your purpose, requirements and goals at the beginning of the plan. Developing a vision for your plan involves identifying your business requirements so that you can state your intentions clearly.

It outlines what an organisation would like to ultimately achieve and gives purpose to the existence of the organisation. A good vision statement should be short, simple, specific to your business, leave nothing open to interpretation. It should also have some ambition.

When the vision or thoughts are written down, they begin solidifying. The vision written down helps us to start making a path or business plan that we can accomplish. If we don't write the vision down, then we can quickly forget it. But when it is written down we begin walking in the reward of its success.

HPO leaders often have their mission statement published in offices, communal areas, public areas and even printed on company stationary and headed paper.

Business Mission

A mission statement is a short statement of why an organisation exists, what its overall goal is, identifying the goal of its operations: what kind of product or service it provides, its primary customers or market, and its geographical region of operation.

good mission statement can enhance, inspire, and transform your business. They provide a clearly stated purpose of your business and the goals you have for succeeding. They confirm and state what the business is setting out to do.The best mission statements go hand-in-hand with corporate philosophy and culture and help guide a company from the present into the future

An HPO Mission statement has three main components-a statement of mission plus vision of the company, and a statement of the core values that shape the acts and behaviour of the employees, and a statement of the goals and objectives. 

The Business Plan

A business plan is a formal written document containing business goals, the methods on how these goals can be attained, and the time frame within which these goals need to be achieved.

A business plan contains short, medium and long term business goals and the required planned actions to achieve these goals. Short term plans are normally 1 to 6 months and account for 70% of time allocation, compared to 20% time allocation for medium term 6-18 months and 20% to long term business planning 18 months to 2 years.

All HPOS's have robust business plans always working at least 2 years ahead in their planning.

Outcome Focused Goals

An outcome goal is a goal that includes everyone and everything that is affected when the goal is achieved. It's the big picture.

Outcome-based goal setting gets everyone aligned first, before you even begin to think about your individual goal. This way, creating measurable results is effective and achievable. This framework is outcome-based thinking, and generates an environment where performance is managed on a continuous basis.

Individual Goals

goal is an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envision, plan and commit to achieve. People endeavour to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines.

Successful businesses are based on both goals and objectives, as they clarify the purpose of the business and help identify necessary actions Goals are general statements of desired achievement, while objectives are the specific steps or actions you take to reach your goal.

Business goals should be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound). This helps ensure they are strategic and clearly defined. Goals are general statements of the achievements you would like to reach, and you can set them in a variety of different areas.

HPO's always limit outcome focused goals to a maximum of 5 short term goals, 5 medium term goals and 5 long term goals.

Outcome Focused Actions

Actions are what is required to achieve the company's goals. All actions need to be SMART as are the goals and there should be a maximum of 5 key actions per goal to keep things simple and focused.

The goals represent what the HPO want to achieve whilst the actions represent the how

Review Periods

HPO'S use the GROW model to ensure the company's goals and actions are monitored and reviewed regularly.

The GROW model is used at review meetings to review individual goals, look at the actions being taken, sense check results to see if goals are being achieved, look at options where we are not achieving goals, IE do differently's and finally and agreed way forward to ensure the business is back on track by the next review period. HPO's are super focused and will use GROW to review goals, daily, weekly and monthly.

GROW is an acronym that is laid out as follows:

G – Goal (aspirations)

R – Reality (current obstacles or situations)

O – Options (strengths, resources)

W – Way Forward (accountability and personal actions) (What, When, by Whom and the WILL to do it)

Key Performance Indicators - KPI's

Key performance indicators KPI's are best known to be the tool that tracks the progress of the business plan.

A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives. Organisations use KPIs to evaluate their success at reaching targets.

good KPI should act as a compass, helping you and your team understand whether you're taking the right path toward your strategic goals. To be effective, a KPI must: Be well-defined and quantifiable. Be communicated throughout your HPO. Every member of staff of an HPO will know their numbers inside out and will always know at any given time where they are against any specific KPI or target.

They work on the premise If you don't know where you are against your objectives how do you know what you need to do to achieve them. Its a no brainer really. Achievers always know their numbers and where they are against their individual targets.

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